Imaging Win95 volumes with dd.exe ?

From: Dan Rathbun (drathbunat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 05:29:53 PST

  • Next message: Jason Upchurch: "RE: Linux, dd, and image file"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    I'm trying to create an image of a Windows 95 machine
    using dd.exe and netcat. I can successfully accomplish
    this feat on a Win2k machine by using the following syntax:
    Target Win2k Machine:
    dd.exe if:\\.\C: bs=512 | nc.exe 1.b.c.d 4000
    Linux Analysis Machine:
    nc -l -p 4000 | dd of=/evidence.img bs=512 conv=noerror
    This works quite nicely, and I have imminent need to do
    the same on two Windows 95 machines. When I try to
    accomplish this I get a variety of errors depending on
    whose dd.exe I try to use.
    In a google newsgroup discussion I read that "Windows
    9x does not support opening local volumes line NT-XP does".
    If this is true than I guess my question is, how do I
    best accomplish the task of imaging this drive across
    the wire to my Linux workstation, with little or no budget?
    This can't be the first time that a Criminal chose to
    use Windows 95, right?
    Thanks in advance for your feedback!
    -Dan Rathbun
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