Best Practices - Standard Operating Procedures in Computer Forensics...

From: Matías Bevilacqua-Brechbühler Trabado (mbevilacquaat_private)
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 06:36:10 PDT

  • Next message: Maria J. Vello: "RE: Computer Forensics"

    Hi list,
    I'm really pleased to see such a nice welcome to the project. I believe
    that this is definitely the way to go.
    I was considering waiting until Monday to get back on the list with more
    information. I wanted to transfer your feedback to the company I work
    for and have them compromise with the project before taking this further
    on. The fact is that after reading all your emails I'm sure I'll have no
    trouble to get them engaged in it, thank you.
    I see that the first questions about the project are arising. This is a
    very good sign. Taking into account this is a new project, built for and
    by the computer forensics community, the very first step will be to
    create and run a survey to define exactly what are the current needs and
    which is the best way to provide for them. As soon as I have that survey
    ready I will run it through this list and we'll set about detailing the
    exact nature of the project.
    Thanks to all of you who have already volunteered to collaborate in any
    way to this initiative. Your collaboration is not only welcome, it is a
    must. For something like this to work it must be built upon the
    knowledge of all the community, you people are this community. Each one
    of you has a great deal of experience and both technical and human
    expertise in all aspects related to Computer Forensics. Each one of us
    working on this area is already using some sort of Standard Operating
    Procedures and/or following some kind of Best Practices. They all have a
    great deal in common, I would blind guess that at least 80% of our
    procedures or best practices are the same. That 20% missing is where the
    real knowledge lies. If we could create some Open Source Computer
    Forensics Methodology Manual (OSCFMM) nurturing from the very best of
    each of the existing procedures and have it subject to review by the
    community. We would not only have a best of breeds for the Computer
    Forensics community, we would also have an international standard with
    all the benefits that implies.
    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Matías Bevilacqua Trabado
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