failover and dns

From: Lyndon David (lyndondat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 02 1998 - 01:20:02 PST

  • Next message: -= ArkanoiD =-: "Re: [fwd] Firewall Products: Many Not Ready For Prime Time,"

    Dear All,
    I am looking at the following situation.
    Company A is big and multinational. As a service to employees on the
    road it offers
    an application which uses a web browser as a front end and enforces
    access restriction
    by use of one time token cards and mandating that everything is kept (a
    secret by SSL.
    Company A now wants to improve resilliance. The have datacenters in
    continents and so the basic idea is to put up three copies. Now the dns
    entry will
    point to one of them, if that fails then the contents of the dns will be
    changed (not
    by hand) to point at the secondary etc. Use a very short ttl on the dns
    entry and
    things should start again after a short while.
    Has anyone tried this before.
    If they did, did it work OK
    What is available to do the dns changing bit.
    Is this a good idea or are there better.
    Anyhow, I would just like to start a thread to discuss options for high
    for big organisations that have a big world wide internal network and
    Internet access points in different countries.
    Lyndon David

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