Re: failover and dns

From: Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughesat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 06:07:39 PST

  • Next message: Bernhard Schneck: "Re: failover and dns"

    >It strikes me that a round-robin DNS might serve you well here. To my
    >knowledge, round-robin DNS won't handle "if A fails then try B" -- it will
    >cycle through all 'X' datacenters/sites, distributing the connections
    >amoung them. In this scenario, if a particular site is not available, the
    >user would have to try again later and most likely (with a short TTL) get
    >sent to another site.
    >Are there round-robin DNS implementations that perform "aliveness" tests
    >and drops unavailable sites out of the round-robin?
    Well, the most famous would be lbnamed published in LISA IX
     Summary: lbnamed: A Load Balancing Name Server in Perl. This paper
           discusses an attempt to solve that problem using a load balancing 
           name server. This name server also has the ability to serve other
           dynamic information as well, such as /etc/passwd information (a la
           Hesiod [2]). 
    Doug Hughes					Engineering Network Services
    System/Net Admin  				Auburn University

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