From: Franco Ruggieri (fruggieriat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 03 1998 - 23:07:10 PST

  • Next message: Roy Stevens: "SSH question"

    I don't remember any thread on IBM Firewall (formerly SNG). True: I
    subscribed to this list only recently.
    Since I happen to work *with* (not *for*) an IBM group company, at times I
    have to knucle under their pressure.
    I expect sooner or later being involved in a discussion about IBM FW. I'd
    appreciate any observation on this product.
    I remember reading a very negative report on SNG 2.2 a couple of years ago
    (it was on LAN Times), but nothing more.
    Thank you for your help.
    Franco RUGGIERI
    e-mail: fruggieriat_private

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