From: Andrew Yeomans (andrew_yeomansat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 06 1998 - 02:54:30 PDT

  • Next message: -= ArkanoiD =-: "Re: SSH question"

    The Lan Times review of SNG was flawed: at the time, IBM provided an official
    response giving details of the problems with the review. In a nutshell, the two
    main issues were:
    a) The review was of SNG 2.1, but 2.2 was released a month later;
    b) It was evident that the reviewers lacked knowledge on firewalls, for example
    stating that SNG ".. has no circuit level functionality..", but two sentences
    later talking about SNG's use of SOCKS, which I'm sure you know provides
    circuit-level functionality. I could give more examples, but I don't really
    want to rake over the dying embers of that review.
    I'll refer you to the home page
    for details of the latest IBM FIrewall V3.2 for AIX and NT. I can't pretend to
    be unbiassed, but I think you will find the IBM Firewall is very competitive in
    features and price with the other firewalls on the market.
    Andrew_Yeomansat_private,                      Installation Support Centre,
    EMEA  Network  Computing  Software  and  e-business  Centre  of  Competence,
    MP 3GS, IBM UK Ltd, 1 New Square, Bedfont Lakes, Feltham, Middlesex,TW14 8HB
    Tel: +44-181-818-4288 Int: 36-4288 Fax: +44-181-818-5475 Pager: 01523-494985
    "It's a UNIX system. I _know_ this!" - Jurassic Park
    owner-firewall-wizardsat_private on 06-04-98 03:13:49 AM
    Please respond to fruggieriat_private
    To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    Subject: IBM
    I don't remember any thread on IBM Firewall (formerly SNG). True: I
    subscribed to this list only recently.
    Since I happen to work *with* (not *for*) an IBM group company, at times I
    have to knucle under their pressure.
    I expect sooner or later being involved in a discussion about IBM FW. I'd
    appreciate any observation on this product.
    I remember reading a very negative report on SNG 2.2 a couple of years ago
    (it was on LAN Times), but nothing more.
    Thank you for your help.
    Franco RUGGIERI
    e-mail: fruggieriat_private

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