Re: how to do intrusion detection right

From: George J. Dolicker (gjpdat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 16 1998 - 07:18:31 PDT

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "Re: High ranking lusers"

    I think perhaps what the intrusion detection system might do is not look
    for something "interesting", but rather something "different".  Rather than
    trying to define what is a problem, define what is NOT a problem... so
    configure the IDS to smile upon traffic that is expected, and panic over
    anything else.
    Same principal we use in firewalling:  that which is not explictly
    permitted is denied.  
    At 12:02 PM 4/16/98 MDT, Martin W Freiss wrote:
    >When the administrator can tailor the IDS to unacceptable/interesting
    >stuff on the net, what he does is transfer his own mindset about security
    >to the IDS. I then have a machine that "thinks" like me, which thus alerts 
    >me about facts that I am already aware of - a useful thing that may save 
    >some work, but will not help me notice next week's bug being exploited. 
    >I may be stupid, but what is "interesting" is something I do not know 
    >before an intrusion attempt.
    >Tomorrow's attack may use some technique that is "obviously" safe today,
    >thus bypassing my (human or computer) filtering layer. Using a sufficiently
    >"new" technique, my firewall will probably not notice that it has been 
    >broached. What _can_ help me is having a complete log of everything that
    >has been going through the network, which I can then analyze to understand
    >what has happened. An intrusion analysis system, if you will - which 
    >so far includes a large human component.

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