Bill_Roydsat_private wrote: | One problem that a needs to be addressed is a "Security Policy Language" | which would be a formal notation for writing security policies that would | be both | explainable to managers and executives and verifiable in a formal sense. | There has been work done on this in programming language verification | (Euclid and stuff from late 70's) but it ended up being too "mathematical" | for real world use. The tradeoff between ease of use and completnenss has | always been one of the deisgn problems in all computer software. It is a | hard problem as any firewall make can tell you. If you make a nice | friendly GUI to sell the product, it becomes an obstacle to actually using | the product in daily business. Hmmn... I just came off a project involving an **engineering-level** specification language, were we found that working at the level of assertions (exactly as per the ASSERT macro) covered a very big set of what we needed to do. They were almost too hard for normal programmers: I admit I often wrote them backwards during the first months (:-)) As a formal tool, they're rather low-level, and had to be extended with implication for a few things (such as saying ``if arg2 includes FOO_BIT, arg3 must be non-null'' as (arg2 & FOO_BIT == FOO_BIT) -> arg3 != NULL) and seperate statements for preconditions and postconditions, in the few cases here they were relevant. Higher-level constructs (protocols) can be expressed in assertions, and, if you're carefull, can be recognized in assertions by pattern matching. | | Perhaps the next security product is not at the detection level but at | the policy generation level. An expert system that allows one to view | security policies so that the expected behaviour of both the people and the | system is compared with past experience and with required data to monitor | this behaviour. THis kind of high thought level software has always been | harder to create than circuit level stuff, but it is the most important for | actually getting results. I'll suggest that you can do this at a level **rather like** the circuit tools, if you have a small set of operators and operands, and well-known realtionships like DeMorgans law... As a side note, many firewall filter languages read a lot like assertions with hidden ANDs between the rows. --dave David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify some people 185 Ellerslie Ave., | and astonish the rest. -- Mark Twain Willowdale, Ontario | davecbat_private, M2N 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |
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