RE: Frame relay security

From: Brock, Todd A (brocktat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 20 1998 - 07:32:04 PDT

  • Next message: John McDermott: "RE: Intrusion Detection"

    I too would be REAL interested in any responses to this inquiry.  Because I
    am VERY doubtful that there will be any but purely anecdotal response
    supporting the assumption of insecurity or known hacks or eavesdropping etc.
    on a Frame link.  IMHO  if you think Frame is insecure, then you might as
    well assume that ALL public telecommunication is. (This includes "private"
    leased lines).
    BTW, I have no affiliation with any Telco or related blah, blah...
    T. Brock
    	David Lyndon wrote:
    	>I am working on a very big job where we are putting in firewalls in
    	>three datacenters on three continents. Bigcorp currently has all
    	>intersite traffic going over Frame relay world wide and does not
    	>it. We said, that is a very bad idea as your data has a very high
    	>if it gets out ahead of the announcements. You should encrypt it,
    	>than that you should put your site to site traffic through these
    	>firewalls that we are putting in for you and not only encrypt it
    but use
    	>the firewalls to control access between sites.
    	>They said, we asked our frame relay provider if they are secure and
    	>said yes and we believe them. I said, they can say that but I dont
    	>believe it for a minute.
    	>So to cut a long and tedious conversation short I would very much
    	>to hear from anyone stories of how frame relay connections have
    	>tampered with so that the traffic can be listened to. Listening is
    	>enough, the data does not have to be changed.
    	>EG. A long time ago I heard a story of how an ISDN connection
    	>two sites was listened to by sending in a false maintenance note
    	>meant that the engineer put the switch into maintence mode. Mr
    	>evesdropper then was able to connect to the maintence interface of
    	>switch and listen to everything going past.
    	>Any info would be good, specifics cases with names changed to
    	>the non so innocent would be better. Please feel free to send me
    	>specifics under cover of the woefully inadaquate export grade SMIME
    	>For the truly paranoid you can find a mans strength key at
    	>Thanks for your time.
    	>Lyndon David

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