Re: fw-1 general & VPN questions

From: Lyndon David (lyndondat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 21 1998 - 02:57:38 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Vyncke: "Re: fw-1 general & VPN questions"

    Yes serial console lines on workstations are not very good. With regard to
    the idea of running ppp over the serial console. On a sun box if you send a
    break down the console line the box drops to the boot prom. I expect that
    there are ways around this behavoir by changing the prom variables.
    I thought that the point of the serial console line was that it was a last
    resort communication mechanism because the box has become unresponsive from
    across the network.
    Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
    > Joseph S. D. Yao wrote:
    > >> I also intend to do some "out-of-band" mgmt with a dialin
    > >> modem on the serial console of the two sun boxes (yes, yes,
    > >> wardialers I know). However, this is what the customer wants,
    > >> and I have no say-so, so I need to simply get it set up.
    > >
    > >Can you at least get them to use a dial-back modem?  Or even strong
    > >authentication at the dial-in terminal server?
    > Sounds like there's no terminal server there, just dialin on
    > the serial console. :(
    > Warning: workstations often have incredibly lame serial consoles.
    > I don't know about the particular sun boxes you're planning to use
    > but I've had $40,000 screaming hot workstations barely able to handle
    > serial I/O at 38.8k.
    > I've been pondering the secure remote management thing for a while
    > and was trying to come up with decent solutions that are dirt cheap.
    > Haven't tried this, but does anyone see a flaw with:
    >   - have a log-in that drops you right into PPP using CHAP
    >   - run ip_filt on the workstation to filter access via the PPP interface
    >   - let only SSH in over PPP (or whatever other services are OK)
    > mjr.
    > --
    > Marcus J. Ranum, CEO, Network Flight Recorder, Inc.
    > work -
    > home -

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