Re: Q on external router

From: Eric Vyncke (evynckeat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 23 1998 - 22:46:57 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew J. Luca: "RE: Q on external router"

    At 19:59 23/04/98 -0500, tqbfat_private wrote:
    >> >	Do not rely on switches because switches are not designed for
    >> >security.
    >> 	Based on that logic, there's just about nothing you CAN
    >> rely on, except death, taxes, and sendmail bugs.
    >I don't think that's very fair. It seems obvious to me that some systems
    >have more attention paid to them for security (VMailer, for instance) than
    >others (like Sendmail). My confidence in VMailer is much greater than my
    >confidence in Sendmail, to the point where I'd be willing to consider
    >deploying VMailer in circumstances where Sendmail's lack of reliability is
    >Same goes for switches and link-layer security.
    Even more unfair... I agree with you regarding Vmailer/sendmail but
    I would compare sendmail = hub and vmailer = switch. The former
    has little security in it (let's assume that a hub is a very bugged
    switch) while the latter has more security.
    Vmailer/switch are not secure enough to use them alone for security,
    you used them with other devices, don't you ?
    I stop here because, the smell of religious war is becoming apparent
    >Thomas H. Ptacek			     		Secure Networks, Inc.
    >	"If you're so special, why aren't you dead?"
    Eric Vyncke      
    Technical Consultant               Cisco Systems Belgium SA/NV
    Phone:  +32-2-778.4677             Fax:    +32-2-778.4300
    E-mail: evynckeat_private          Mobile: +32-75-312.458

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