Re: Re: Q on external router

From: Wei Li (networkmanat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 24 1998 - 04:44:45 PDT

  • Next message: tqbfat_private: "Re: Q on external router"

    Bay Networks has a switch that restricts the ports to a specific MAC address, this
    provides some physical security.  I guess that's about as close it gets.
    As far as death, taxes and sendmail bugs, I'm sure someone is working on a fix :-)
    My 2 cents.
    Wei Li
    >Adam Shostack writes:
    >>	Do not rely on switches because switches are not designed for
    >	Based on that logic, there's just about nothing you CAN
    >rely on, except death, taxes, and sendmail bugs.
    >Marcus J. Ranum, CEO, Network Flight Recorder, Inc.
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