Re: Q on external router

From: Adam Shostack (adamat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 26 1998 - 00:15:37 PDT

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: Hackers break into Pentagon system, threaten to sell info"

    tqbfat_private wrote:
    | I submit that it is likely that we will find bugs in switches, because
    | switches are performance-enhancing devices that are not (AFAIK) designed
    | with security as a priority. I submit it is unlikely that we will find a
    | bug (easily) in any given application gateway firewall.
    	I refer you to the encrypting srvio.c that was the export
    controlled part of the FWTK for three years before a replay attack was
    	The amount of real review of source thats done is pathetically
    low.  Doing internal code reviews pays for itself very quickly by
    finding problems that are not found by other parts of the testing
    process.  Where I did my first review work, we routinely found, and
    prevented deployment of security bugs, any one of which would have
    cost more in staff time to clean up than all the reviews we ever did.
    I won't get into the cost of bad publicity for the company.
    	Its been very clear to me when I've done reviews as a
    contractor that some of the code has never been seen by anyone other
    than the author.  This was for a well known and respected security
    Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.

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