Re: Hackers break into Pentagon system

From: Roger Marquis (marquisat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 26 1998 - 22:29:16 PDT

  • Next message: Roel JT Jonkman: "Re: ATM security"

    On Sun, 26 Apr 1998, Rama Kant wrote:
    > As far as the DOD's sites are concerned, there is a rumor that one of the
    > Solaris vulnerability was exploited.  
    > Does anyone know of any details of the exploited Solaris vulnerability?
    Is it still a rumor?  I read (forget where, perhaps here) that the bug was
    in statd.  Does statd ever run without NFS?  Were they really running NFS
    on an Internet-connected host? 
    As if that wasn't bad enough I've seen large government contractors
    (3,000+ employees) with even worse firewall security.  If the FBI is
    serious about "cyberterrorism" the first place they should start, IMHO, is
    with federal contractors.
    Roger Marquis
    Roble Systems Consulting

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