Re: ATM security

From: Roel JT Jonkman (rjonkmanat_private)
Date: Sun Apr 26 1998 - 21:26:15 PDT

  • Next message: Vin McLellan: "Trusted NT-Security Powertools (SANS Rept)"

    > Is there any good  articles on ATM security? One problem is the current
    As far as that goes I think there is a whole range of DoS attacks you could
    fire at arp servers for example. (The CLIP stuff, rfc 1597 if I'm not 
    mistaken.) LANE is likely not any better. Imposing different addresses is 
    likely very trivial.
    > conventional firewall cannot match the throughput of ATM network.
    Hmm, we ran an alpha 3000/700 (225 Mhz, turbo channel based)for some firewall
    testing, didn't do too shabby. About 1..2k packets it can do linespeed on 2
    OC3's. (forwarding)  That box does about 50Mbytes/s on memory copies, and
    since the protocol stack at least copies once, the theoretical limit
    is 400Mbps, which is true. These boxes are DRAM based, so you are constrained
    by the speed of the ram. However some of the Ultra's (SDRAM based) I've around 
    can do 200Mbyte/s on memcopies, so theoritically they can achieve dual OC12
    speeds. (2 * 622Mbps, I'm waiting on cards to be ordered right now.) I don't
    have detailed results around on what the performance differences between a
    high end alpha and high end ultra is. (Alphas have alignment troubles, which
    in particular with small packets shows.)

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