Re: Paper on why I need a security Assessment

From: Bennett Todd (betat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 05:44:52 PST

  • Next message: Doty, Ted (ISSAtlanta): "RE: Paper on why I need a security Assessment"

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    2000-02-01-16:09:09 Matt McClung:
    > I am looking for a good paper on why a company should perform a
    > security assessment.
    I'm going to take a liberty and assume that a security assessment is
    the same thing as a security audit. Given that assumption, I'll take
    a stab at this one.
    There are two categories of reason you might want a security audit,
    associated with the two sorts of audits. Very roughly you can call
    them internal and external. An internal audit is for your own
    benefit; it's requested by your own organization, the results are
    reported only to your own organization, and the intent is that the
    auditing process teaches you somthing about security and how to make
    it better. An internal audit can be conducted by your own staff, if
    you have the expertise. You can get an internal audit conducted by
    outside experts, but it takes some doing to get real experts that
    can teach you enough to be useful (I loved the recent Dilbert on the
    Bait-n-Switch consulting company:-).
    An external audit is conducted for someone else's benefit. Perhaps a
    parent organization, perhaps a potential investor or purchaser.
    External financial audits are often part of financial reporting
    I've written more about this in my paper on auditing firewalls,
    available from <URL:>.
    To answer your question another way, solely from the perspective of
    internal audits: doing security _right_ is hard. It can be a big
    help to get someone with a fresh point of view to review your work
    and possibly recommend improvements. And if they don't recommend
    any, that's a really satisfying endorsement of your work.
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