RE: Multi-media friendly Firewalls

From: Moore, James (James.Mooreat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 09:24:04 PST

  • Next message: Riccardo Fontana: "Strange problem with Securemote 4005"

    Off-topic a bit, but perhaps our moderator will allow it... I did some
    "concept" work a couple of years ago on televideo conferencing via IP
    networks. Security was not the thrust of this effort, but I recall a company
    called "Databeam" that advertised a "secure gateway" for H.323 (& other
    protocols ?). Try
    Jim Moore
    ----------- PGP PUBLIC KEY FINGERPRINT ------------
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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From:	arkat_private [SMTP:arkat_private]
    > Sent:	Tuesday, February 01, 2000 4:15 AM
    > To:	ReedDat_private
    > Cc:	firewall-wizardsat_private
    > Subject:	Re: Multi-media friendly Firewalls
    > nuqneH,
    > PIX definitely does that, though i don't know if it really does it secure
    > way. Anybody here familliar with PIX internals? I'd like to know.
    > TIS Gauntlet does RA (as most firewalls do), PNA only, no RTSP. Yoy can
    > install rtspd on it, though, There were some rumours about H.323 proxy
    > but i haven't seen it.
    > H.323 is damn ugly thing. RA is better (a bit) but i think there could be
    > some security problems too.
    > ReedDat_private said :
    > > I have a customer that will be standing up a new group and is looking at
    > > implementing a firewall (yea !!).  However, they do have a strong
    > > requirement to support VTC capability (H.323, T.120) streaming video,
    > > real-audio and the like.  Luckily there are definite end-points external
    > and
    > > internal to the firewall that will be used to create the firewall rule
    > sets.
    > > What I need to know are what firewalls (proxy and stateful) that are
    > > multi-media friendly and can handle these protocols with the least
    > amount of
    > > difficulty.  If anyone has any experiences good or bad using mutli-media
    > > protocols with the Cisco PIX, Lucent Brick, Axent Raptor (NT or UNIX),
    > TIS
    > > Gauntlet would be appreciated.
    > > 
    > > Don Reed
    > > 
    >                                     _     _  _  _  _      _  _
    >  {::} {::} {::}  CU in Hell          _| o |_ | | _|| |   / _||_|   |_ |_
    > |_
    >  (##) (##) (##)        /Arkan#iD    |_  o  _||_| _||_| /   _|  | o
    > |_||_||_|
    >  [||] [||] [||]            Do i believe in Bible? Hell,man,i've seen one!
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