Strange problem with Securemote 4005

From: Riccardo Fontana (rfontanaat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 11:22:54 PST

  • Next message: Marcus J. Ranum: "Re: Bypassing firewall"

    I've encountered this strange (very strange) problem while trying to
    configure a securemote connection with my firewall.
    The network is structured as follow:
                                   | Internet
                  Public DMZ   |       |
                         ------| FW  A |
                               |       |
                                   | Intra DMZ
                 ----------    ---------
                 |   WWW  |    |       | Private DMZ
                 | Server |----| FW  B |------
                 |        |    |       |
                 ----------    ---------
                                   | Internal
                                   | Network
    FW A = Sun Sparcstation 10, Fw-1 Single Gateway 25 Users no VPN
    FW B = Sun Ultra 5, Fw-1 Single Gateway Unl. VPN+Strong
    Both Firewalls are 4.0 with SP5.
    FW A does not operate any Traslation (both Public DMZ and Intra DMZ have
    valid IP addresses) and is configured to let Securemote Traffic reach
    FWB (FW1, ISAKMP, IPSEC ecc.)
    I'm managing it remotely (I'm directly connected to Internet with a
    valid IP address) through the same workstation on wich I've installed
    Securemote (3Des version 4005).
    On FW B there is a rule that allow Securemote connection reach the WWW
    Server for a specific group of user.
    Now I can describe what the problem is.
    When I try to connect to the WWW Server from my client (while monitoring
    the firewall with Log Viewer from the same machine) I receive the popup
    window that ask me to insert my username and password, after doing so I
    receive the following message:
    > No answer received from a firewall at site (external address of FW B).
    > Check if you are using the correct username and password and try to reconnect.
    Shortly after this message all the windows of firewall management opened
    on FW B (log viewer and policy editer) are closed (server disconnected)
    while FW A start to drop a lot of packet as follow
    Time      Int   Act   Serv.  Source    Destin     Proto S_Port
    14:18:25  hme0  drop  RDP    FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    RDP     
    14:18:39  hme0  drop  1059   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:18:40  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:19:13  hme0  drop  1060   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:19:45  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:20:29  hme0  drop  1059   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:20:49  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:21:50  hme0  drop  1060   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:21:53  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:22:19  hme0  drop  1062   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:22:20  hme0  drop  1059   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:22:53  hme0  drop  1060   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:22:57  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:23:58  hme0  drop  1062   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:23:59  hme0  drop  1060   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:24:01  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:25:04  le0   drop  23556  Addr_A    IP_Natted  tcp   http    
    14:26:03  hme0  drop  1059   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    14:26:13  hme0  drop  1060   FW_B_Ext  Mng_Clt    94    FW1_mgmt
    Where Addr_A is a web server that is currently being visited by my
    internal user (externally natted by IP_Natted address).
    At the same time the internal Firewall (FW B) recorded this log:
    Time      Int    Act       Serv Source  Dest Proto Rule User    
    14:18:25  daemon authcrypt /    Mng_Clt /    /     0    username
    reason Client Encryption: Authenticated by FireWall-1 Password scheme:
    FWZ methods: Encapsulation, DES,DES,MD5  
    I found that I cannot reconnect to the internal firewall for at least
    30-45 minutes (it is considerable unreachable), during this interval my
    external firewall continue to drop a lot of incoming packets as above
    (they seems to be answer to varius internal request like HTTP or SMTP
    but with a completely wrong destination port, i.e.: always the same port
    for a particular destination).
    Can anyone help me to understand why this firewall is acting so strange
    n.b.: I've also tested the securemote connection without opening the log
    viewer or any other Fw-1 management program and the result is the same
    as above.
    Riccardo Fontana
    Intesis SECURITY LAB            Phone: +39-2-671563.1
    Via Settembrini, 35             Fax: +39-2-66981953
    I-20124 Milano  ITALY           Email: rfontanaat_private

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