Re: Bypassing firewall

From: Martin P. Peikert (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 00:41:09 PST

  • Next message: Paul Emerson: "Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?"

    On Don, 03 Feb 2000 Lo Teng Thiau wrote:
    >i couldn't find Phrack above 55 series, in
    >where can i get Phrack56?
    >thank you,
    >----- Original Message -----
    >From: Riley, Steven <steven.rileyat_private>
    >To: <firewall-wizardsat_private>
    >Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 2:43 AM
    >Subject: RE: Bypassing firewall
    >>Phrack 56-16 had a good article on what you suggested. I think the article
    >>was called 'Piercing a Firewall'.
    'Piercing Firewalls' is Phrack 52-16
    Up to now there is no issue 56.
      Martin Peikert
      TU Berlin

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