Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?

From: Paul Emerson (paulat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 21:53:31 PST

  • Next message: dwelchat_private: "Re: Nokia/Checkpoint firewall"

    The value of ITSEC is simply marketing from the vendor's perspective. 
    Having your firewall ITSEC certified opens doors for sales, since it 
    is a CYA situation for the buyer.
    ITSEC is really quite pitiful. For example FW-1 was evaluated and 
    passed E-3, but the GUI was not included with the target.  So I guess 
    in order to use FW-1 as evaluated the GUI should not be used.
    Paul Emerson
    Paul Emerson                               Tel: +1.407.380.0220 x106
    Global Technology Associates, Inc.         Fax: +1.407.380.6080
    3505 Lake Lynda Drive                   Mobile: +1.407.310.8564
    Suite 109                                Pager: +1.888.440.8232
    Orlando, Florida 32817                   Email: paulat_private
    USA                                        Web:
                           Mobile Email: 407.310.8564at_private

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