RE: Nokia/Checkpoint firewall

From: dwelchat_private
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 00:05:40 PST

  • Next message: Jim Rice: "Nokia IP650 FW-1 with VRRP and NAT"

    On Thu, 03 February 2000, "Yin To Chu" wrote:
    > As an end user, I don't really care what the things inside the box as far as
    > we can get good p/p ratio and good support. These are the things I would
    > like to know before we can deploy the Nokia boxes.
    Generally speaking, you won't do a whole lot better for the money in terms of Price/Performance. Support goes through a local reseller (YMMV of course), though you can purchase direct support from Nokia if you're willing to spend the money. In either case, you should be able to obtain access to Nokia's Support Site which has the latest software versions and a knowledge base.
    Dameon D. Welch, a.k.a. PhoneBoy (dwelchat_private)
    Check Point FireWall-1 FAQs at
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