Nokia IP650 FW-1 with VRRP and NAT

From: Jim Rice (jimat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 15:45:12 PST

  • Next message: Tim.Wundkeat_private: "Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?"

    Anyone got this working?
    A request goes to the VRRP address, is translated to the internal
    address, but is not forwarded to the internal interface.
    And yes, ipforwarding is on.
    So far, no word from either CheckPoint nor Nokia support...
    Any hints would be wonderful! 
    Jim Rice               o~         o~     ofc:    (949) 581-1700
    Techfuel, Inc.       +-/-'      <//\     fax:    (949) 581-1799
    3 Musick              <<        /V<=     dsk:    (949) 609-0412
    Irvine, CA 92618     <"===>    @ ==@     net:  jimat_private

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