Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?

From: Rick Smith (rick_smithat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 12:29:12 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Thomas: "Nokia/Checkpoint"

    At 08:30 AM 02/03/2000 -0500, Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
    >I'm sure that many on this list will be shocked to hear me say
    >this, but the ICSA firewall product certification is orders of
    >magnitude more valuable to real customers than ITSEC evaluation.
    The Common Criteria is supposed to fix this problem by defining "Protection
    Profiles" that establish functional requirements for particular types of
    products. There are two firewall profiles already, with more on the way.
    The first two aren't much use to most firewall customers because the
    requirements are 'way too abstract. You could build all sorts of arcane
    devices that meet the criteria while remaining steadfastly useless for most
    security purposes. At least a hub is useful for something.

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