Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?

From: Craig Martin (craigmartin_fahntat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 03:42:25 PST

  • Next message: arkat_private: "Re: Multi-media friendly Firewalls"

    Hello All,
    At present I am looking after a CyberGuard NT Firewall
    (running on Dell Poweredge 2300 with 256Mb RAM) and
    have had quite a bit of hassle with it on and off for
    quite sometime now.
    My major problem is I need to allow a telnet session
    to run on port 319 instead of 23.  But although I have
    finally managed to get this working, it is almost
    impossible to repeat this using identical H/W & S/W.
    Does anyone have any ideas why this would be?
    Also, I may have to look at an alternative solution
    due to the lack of stability / reliability of the
    current F/W.
    Could someone possibly explain the difference between
    a Firewall that is ITSEC rated and a F/W that is
    not?...Am I correct in saying that Firewall-1 for
    example is not ITSEC rated?...Seems strange.
    Please excuse this query if it seems a tad weak/"lame"
    Many Thanks In Advance,
    Views, Opinions expressed in this email are
    my own and by no means those of my employer.
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