Re: Paper on why I need a security Assessment

From: Bennett Todd (betat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 07:18:24 PST

  • Next message: Mike Hartnett: "RE: Nokia/Checkpoint firewall"

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    2000-02-05-02:40:11 Omar T. Fahnbulleh:
    > You can write your own Security assessment if you use RFC2196.
    You can write your own security assessment if you know what you're
    doing. RFC2196 may help you learn what you're doing; it's not a bad
    doc. There are lots of other good resources I'd recommend; first and
    foremost is always Bellovin and Cheswick's Firewalls and Internet
    Security, it makes all the basic concepts clear.
    But no matter how expert you are, there are things you don't know.
    And unless you way, _WAY_ more expert than the auditor (only a
    problem if you get a computer security audit from a financial
    auditing firm, and don't squeeze 'em by the goolies until they cough
    up a real security analyst) just getting an independant second look
    at your security policy and implementation can be a big help.
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