Re: Firewalls - ITSEC Rating?

From: Predrag Zivic (pzivicat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 08:53:49 PST

  • Next message: Joseph S D Yao: "IBM Host-On-Demand?"

    Since ICSA became a commercial organization (they make
    money and must have some kind of profit) I would
    double check validity of their tests.
    Although I think that their tests are still the most
    competent out there, I simply don't trust them any
    more... I guess I have a trust problem:-)) Maybe that
    is why I also don't use Verisign certs...:-))
    --- Rick Smith <rick_smithat_private> wrote:
    > At 08:30 AM 02/03/2000 -0500, Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
    > >I'm sure that many on this list will be shocked to
    > hear me say
    > >this, but the ICSA firewall product certification
    > is orders of
    > >magnitude more valuable to real customers than
    > ITSEC evaluation.
    > The Common Criteria is supposed to fix this problem
    > by defining "Protection
    > Profiles" that establish functional requirements for
    > particular types of
    > products. There are two firewall profiles already,
    > with more on the way.
    > The first two aren't much use to most firewall
    > customers because the
    > requirements are 'way too abstract. You could build
    > all sorts of arcane
    > devices that meet the criteria while remaining
    > steadfastly useless for most
    > security purposes. At least a hub is useful for
    > something.
    > Rick.
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