Re: Frame PVC encryption options?

From: Carric Dooley (carricat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 07 2000 - 12:25:07 PST

  • Next message: Jan Schultheiss: "Re: DMZ design - Exchange, SQL, & DCOM"

    2500's will be somewhat limited (I think to 128K) using the Cisco encryption.  I think the 2600's will do over 512K.  You can do router to router encryption or VPN (look at Network Alchemy or Ravlin)
    Carric Dooley
    Network Security Consultant
    "A little inaccuracy sometimes saves a ton of explanation. " 
    - H. H. Munro (Saki) (1870-1916) 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Paraic OCeallaigh <paraicat_private>
    To: <firewall-wizardsat_private>
    Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 7:54 AM
    Subject: Frame PVC encryption options?
    > Hi,
    > Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for encryption between
    > Cisco routers on a Frame PVC?
    > We have a number of banking clients on a frame relay network who are
    > asking about encrypting traffic on their cisco 2500s for added seucrity
    > Regards,
    > Paraic OCeallaigh
    > Technical Solutions
    > Cognotec Ltd
    > Dublin

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