Re: Problems with alerts

From: beldridgat_private
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 12:25:52 PST

  • Next message: Lisa Nguyen: "CBC mode 3DES example."

    On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Andy Davis wrote:
    > I am trying to get Fiewall-1 to pop up an alert box when a certain
    > rule is brought into play, for example if anyone tries to finger the
    > firewall box I want to know about it.
    > I set up a rule saying:
    > source (not my firewall)  destination (my firewall) service (finger)
    > action (drop) track (alert) install on (gateways)
    You need to specify UserDefined for track and then put this information:
    > alertf  60 2 fwalert 
    In the "User Defined Alert Command" box in Policy - Properties - Log &
    - brett

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