Re: DMZ design - Exchange, SQL, & DCOM

From: Michael Borkin (borkinat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 02:23:52 PST

  • Next message: beldridgat_private: "Re: Problems with alerts"

    >Michael, it's gonna take a bit of study to get into DCOM. There are books
    >this topic; and it is not an easy read (I doubt we'll see DCOM for
    >DCOM rides on RPC, which uses the port replicator thing. There's a TechNet
    >article from MS explaining how to limit the range of ports grabbed by RPC.
        Thanks for the reply, but those books are really for programmers and not
    for someone just needing to understand it from an administrative
    perspective.  I will definitely check out the TechNet article though.  I've
    already found almost the perfect article about DCOM from an administrative
    perspective at:  It
    describes how DCOM passes packets along the wire and therefore how it would
    affect a firewall.  I have only been able to read the article once so I
    haven't been able to fully wrap my mind around the whole thing yet (since
    putting the SQL server in the same DMZ as the web server eliminates any need
    to fight with DCOM, and I have so many other things to research it is
    definitely back burner right now).

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