Re: Citrix ICA through port 80?

From: Ivan Fox (ifox100at_private)
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 06:10:06 PST

  • Next message: fgbat_private: "Re: Citrix ICA through port 80?"

    If users can bypass a firewall, what's the point of having a firewall?
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "SF BA" <sfba121at_private>
    To: <firewall-wizardsat_private>
    Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 8:25 PM
    Subject: Citrix ICA through port 80?
    > I know that some of you will consider this a bad thing
    > ... that aside, I still need to figure out my options.
    > We have a demo that runs on Windows Terminal Server
    > and Citrix MetaFrame.  Some of our potential customers
    > have firewalls setup that block their users from going
    > out on unknown ports (if they don't have Citrix
    > installed already, then they'll block the ports that
    > ICA uses).
    > I was wondering ... is there a way to set things up so
    > that people can connect to our terminal server without
    > having to involve their IS departments?  Tunneling
    > over http on port 80, perhaps?
    > Thanks!
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