Re: Citrix ICA through port 80?

From: fgbat_private
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 08:18:50 PST

  • Next message: James Neal - HandiCAT: "Re: SonicWall"

    With Citrix Metaframe, you can build your application in html format.
    In the Published Application Manager, create your application, the ica file and the html for that ica.
    Then you copy the files created to a web server and then it can be viewed by any browser that access your web server.
    For more information see the Citrix Metaframe documentation.
    Fabio Baptista.
    >I know that some of you will consider this a bad thing
    >... that aside, I still need to figure out my options.
    >We have a demo that runs on Windows Terminal Server
    >and Citrix MetaFrame.  Some of our potential customers
    >have firewalls setup that block their users from going
    >out on unknown ports (if they don't have Citrix
    >installed already, then they'll block the ports that
    >ICA uses).
    >I was wondering ... is there a way to set things up so
    >that people can connect to our terminal server without
    >having to involve their IS departments?  Tunneling
    >over http on port 80, perhaps?
    >Do You Yahoo!?
    >Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

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