Black Hat Briefings USA Call for Papers and Singapore

From: Jeff Moss (jmat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 17:47:11 PST

  • Next message: Aaron D. Turner: "COAST SynKill?"

    A Black Hat Briefings Announcement
    I would like to announce the Call for papers for the U.S. Black
    Hat Briefings and the Black Hat Briefings in Singapore!
    - The Black Hat Briefings conference in Singapore (See announcement
    below, and on-line at http//
    - The Call for Papers (CFP) for The Black Hat Briefings conference
    in the US.  If you are interested in submitting a presentation please
    visit the CFP guidelines page at
    - A newly redesigned web site, to include in RealMedia format past
    presentations as well as RealVideo of the Black Hat '99 speeches
    will be on line this week.
    Black Hat is about spreading computer security knowledge, and I
    think this is a good way to do it.  Due to the sheer file size of
    the video, it is being sampled in 1/4 screen size.
    Thank you for your time.
    Jeff Moss, CISSP
    Security Conference Announcement - The Black Hat Briefings Singapore
    The Black Hat Briefings Asia '00
    April 4 - 5th, Singapore
    Marina Mandarin Hotel
    The Black Hat Briefings is a conference for IT professionals and
    decision makers who are faced with problems of security in their
    computer infrastructure. For the first time, this conference will be
    brought to Asia after three successful years in the US. It has become one
    of the most important and talked about Internet security conferences in
    the world.
    Every year leaders in the security field are brought together to this
    conference to discuss the latest products, trends, issues, and
    influences in the Internet and security environment.
    This year's topics include Computer Forensics Systems, Intrusion
    Detection, Secure Programming Techniques and Tools Selection, and legal
    There will be about 12 speakers from the United States and two local
    speakers to cover the local and regional Internet issues.
    Different than the Black Hat Briefings in the US, the Asia briefing
    will in its first year feature one track of speakers with speaking
    times longer to give the speakers more time to explain complex issues, and
    give the audience more time to ask questions.
    For more information please contact blackhatat_private

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