COAST SynKill?

From: Aaron D. Turner (aturnerat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 13:45:22 PST

  • Next message: Moore, James: "Unix vs. WinNT Security"

    A few years ago, I listened to a speech by Christoph Schuba of Sun
    Micro at San Jose State Univ., on his reasearch at COAST on denial of
    service attacks on TCP (Syn floods).  From his reasearch, COAST
    developed a tool called SynKill which is simular to Checkpoint's
    SynDefender and Cisco's Anti-Syn Attack feature in their IOS.  For
    some unexplained reason on the COAST website, they're not making
    SynKill available to the general public.
    Does anyone have any information where I can:
    1)  Find out why they're not giving it out (from Schuba's paper, it
    sounded to be pretty sucessful)
    2)  Get the program anyways.
    You can read the paper at:
    Aaron Turner        aturnerat_private  650.237.0300 x252
    Security Engineer                         Vicinity Corp.        
    Cell: 408-314-9874  Pager: 650-317-1821

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