Re: Citrix ICA through port 80?

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 14:23:28 PST

  • Next message: hndat_private: "Recent Attacks"

    Ivan Fox wrote:
    > If users can bypass a firewall, what's the point of having a firewall?
    Firewalls are to keep the bad packets out.  Firewalls are completely
    ineffective at keeping the users in.  They were not designed to contain
    users, and are completely incapable of containing a determined user.
    For a counter-example to the idea of using firewalls to contain inside
    users, consider MJR's demo-ware that implemented TCP/IP over top of DNS
    requests.  If you can get any data at all out, then you can put TCP/IP on
    top of it, and from there you can do anything.
    Thus for security purposes, firewalls are strictly access control devices
    to control what outsiders can do to your inside.  Your firewall may be
    performing some kind of control on what your inside users can pass out,
    but it is strictly a convenience factor.  A determined user can always
    push out if they want to.
    Crispin Cowan, CTO, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Free Hardened Linux Distribution:       

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