Re: Automated IDS response

From: Michael B. Rash (mbrat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 10:24:44 PST

  • Next message: Henry Sieff: "RE: Citrix ICA through port 80?"

    On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
    :  	Portsentry <> does this for Unix/Linux systems
    :  as well.  You can select what classes of services it will react to.  I
    :  don't advice UDP or "stealth TCP" because it's spoofable, but connected
    :  TCP port scans works great.
    Portsentry works well _if_ you are not running ipchains (or other
    firewalling code) on your Linux/*NIX box.  Portsentry will not even have
    an opportunity to look at packets as they come in if you are running
    ipchains since the firewall code is integrated directly into the
    kernel.  Hence, if you want any kind of IDS functionality on a firewalled
    Linux box, you need an IDS that works with ipchains.  I have written such
    a system and it is going to be included in the next release of Bastille
    Linux (see  It features a response system that
    will block all traffic from an offending IP only if the IP has tripped a
    set of higly configurable thresholds that the admin defines.

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