Re: Recent Attacks

From: Philip J. Koenig (pjklistat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 20:07:18 PST

  • Next message: Crumrine, Gary L: "RE: Automated IDS response"

    I suspect the root servers are far more protected and
    hardened to such things than the vast majority of 
    commercial web sites.
    Not to mention, you'd have to bring them all down at
    the same time to wreak widespread havoc.  That would
    be difficult, since they are all on widely-separated
    Paul Vixie as a prank once collaborated with Jon Postel 
    and hijacked some of the root servers, redirected some of 
    their answers (Internic's page?) to their own sites.  But 
    Postel was one of the most powerful people in the 'net and 
    Vixie is in charge of BIND, so they had a bit of an advantage
    over your average script-kiddie. :-)
    On 12 Feb 00, at 16:03, hndat_private boldly uttered: 
    > hi,
    > I was just wondering that The latest attacks on the popular web sites had only
    > one objective behind it: to bring the web sites and render it useless for the
    > period of attack. If these hacker really do want to create massive scale
    > problems why not hack the root servers?!!!!!!!  This will bring down the whole
    > internet.
    > Hoshil

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