Re: mitigating the lack of a firewall

From: Aaron D. Turner (aturnerat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 15:21:58 PST

  • Next message: arkat_private: "open all TCP/UDP in Gauntlet (fwd)"

    Well that depends.  Is the site 100% static?  If it has cgi's or ASP
    scripts, those might be exploitable.  Does it need to talk to/run a
    SQL server, dns server, etc?  Again, potential expoits.  What kind of
    DoS attacks?  Some DoS attacks run very CPU expensive queries which
    will make your server un-responsive, while others are network based.  
    A firewall isn't likely to stop people from hammering your site, but
    it can help stop syn attacks.
    The reality is that a server protected by a firewall is more secure
    than one not protected.  However a firewall isn't the silver bullet
    that stops all attacks.  Wether you need a firewall is dependant on
    the kind of site, the company, and the purpose.
    Aaron Turner        aturnerat_private  650.237.0300 x252
    Security Engineer                         Vicinity Corp.        
    Cell: 408-314-9874  Pager: 650-317-1821
    On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Bruce H. Nearon wrote:
    > Suppose an Internet site does not have a firewall.  Can a securely
    > configured IIS 4.0 server running under securely configured NT 4.0
    > protect the site from unauthorized access and denial of service attacks?
    > Bruce Nearon, CPA
    > The Cohn Consulting Group
    > Roseland, New jersey

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