Re: Recent Attacks

From: Michael Cassidy (cassidyat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 06:17:19 PST

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    At 4:03 PM -0700 2/12/00, hndat_private wrote:
    >I was just wondering that The latest attacks on the popular web sites had only
    >one objective behind it: to bring the web sites and render it useless for the
    >period of attack. If these hacker really do want to create massive scale
    >problems why not hack the root servers?!!!!!!!  This will bring down the whole
    bringing down a few dot.coms isnt bring down the net or causing massive
    problems espcially for those of us that dont think the net is a retail

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