Re: Recent Attacks

From: Ryan Russell (ryanat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 07:35:49 PST

  • Next message: Marcus J. Ranum: "Re: open all TCP/UDP in Gauntlet (fwd)"

    On Sat, 12 Feb 2000 hndat_private wrote:
    > I was just wondering that The latest attacks on the popular web sites had only
    > one objective behind it: to bring the web sites and render it useless for the
    > period of attack. If these hacker really do want to create massive scale
    > problems why not hack the root servers?!!!!!!!  This will bring down the whole
    > internet.
    One has to assume they didn't want to do that.  Assuming all the attacks
    that got lumped together were the same attacker or group of attackers,
    they seemed to have a pretty specific class of sites in mind.  I'm of the
    opinion that this was just a demonstration of capabilities.  Had the
    attacks been designed to do more than get publicity, the attackers would
    have spent the time to compromise huge numbers of relay machines (more
    than they did, based on estimates) and set them to flood a single site of
    their choice permanently.
    I expect to see ransom demands (either the real attackers or just
    opportunists) become announced to the press any time now.

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