Opening ports

From: St. Jacques, Kimberly (KStJacquesat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 08:46:17 PST

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "Re: Recent Attacks"

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    hi.  My name is Kimberly, and I'm not very familiar with controling ports.
    I would like to set up the proxy server here at work so some ports are open
    for me to play EQ.  But how do I do it?  Our proxy is a Redhat 6.0 machine.
    And the following is the EQ info:
    Patch Application:
    A TCP connection is initiated from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024) to, port 7000. 
    EverQuest client:
    UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024)
    from/to port 5999.
    UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024)
    from/to one of the everquest servers (arbitrary port>=1024). The EverQuest
    server ip addresses are on the subnets: 208.236.12.* , 63.65.235.* ,
    192.215.54.*, 192.215.37.* and 192.215.33.* 
    i'm sure many of you have better things to do with your time than to help me
    with this, but if anyone has the time, and would like to help me, please do
    Kimberly ( my friends call me 'Kimmi')
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    <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
    <META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
    <TITLE>Opening ports</TITLE>
    <P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">hi.&nbsp; My name is Kimberly, and I'm =
    not very familiar with controling ports.&nbsp; I would like to set up =
    the proxy server here at work so some ports are open for me to play =
    EQ.&nbsp; But how do I do it?&nbsp; Our proxy is a Redhat 6.0 =
    machine.&nbsp; And the following is the EQ info:</FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Patch Application:<BR>
    A TCP connection is initiated from the player's PC (arbitrary =
    port&gt;=3D1024) to, port 7000. </FONT>
    <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">EverQuest client:<BR>
    UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary =
    port&gt;=3D1024) from/to port 5999.<BR>
    UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary =
    port&gt;=3D1024) from/to one of the everquest servers (arbitrary =
    port&gt;=3D1024). The EverQuest server ip addresses are on the subnets: =
    208.236.12.* , 63.65.235.* , 192.215.54.*, 192.215.37.* and =
    192.215.33.* </FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">i'm sure many of you have better =
    things to do with your time than to help me with this, but if anyone =
    has the time, and would like to help me, please do :)</FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Thanks,</FONT>
    <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Kimberly ( my friends call me =

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