Re: Killing Napster

From: John Ladwig (jladwigat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 14:59:53 PST

  • Next message: St. Jacques, Kimberly: "Opening ports"

    > I am currently looking into killing the MP3 Program Napster. 
    > A user told me that he had been using it inside the firewall to
    > download files on an external Napster server. He assumed he was safe
    > because he was behind the firewall, but soon discovered that other
    > users were downloading from his machine. My guess is that Napster
    > establishes a connection from client to server that is used for
    > uploads AND downloads.  So, the burning question is, has anyone
    > blocked Napster by specifying the destination port (which I haven't
    > figured out yet) going out? I am not running an application level
    > firewall, so I can only do it by port.
    Napster isn't a "client/server" system so much as it is a "peer pool
    with a common directory service" system.  I think of it as a system of
    end-user agents (the app you download from which uses the
    index/directory/state servers run by to discover and
    broker holdings, locations, and connection-method information with
    other folks' end-user agents.  A Napster end-user agent is capable of
    both accessing others' files and providing its own files to others (as
    well as doing chat, but that's ususally not what people are worried
    about with Napster).
    Blocking by bulk-transfer port doesn't work - the transfer ports are
    user-configurable without any penalty on the effectiveness of the
    end-user applications as either clients or servers.  Perhaps you've
    already discovered that the transfers can be initiated from either
    direction.  :-( And the direction that "works" is
    auto-discovered/-negotitated by the end-user agents.
    Blocking access to the nets to prevent communications with
    the directory services agents is partially effective, until your users
    discover one of the (reportedly growing) number of ad-hoc public SOCKS
    proxies for the directory services.
    Napster is a fiendishly difficult application to try to defeat by
    means of anything other than discovery and subsequent draconian
    application of policy (ahem).  You gotta give the guys who put it
    together credit - it does what it does (which is fairly unique) in a
    *very* robust manner.
    If sucking bandwidth isn't against the local network policy, your user
    could perhaps configure his end-user-agent to have an upload directory
    which is always empty.
    Best of luck.

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