Re: Recent Attacks

From: Philip J. Koenig (pjklistat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 00:55:01 PST

  • Next message: Philip J. Koenig: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    On 15 Feb 00, at 14:02, Terry Lee Moore boldly uttered: 
    > Punishing them with litigation makes the physche feel better, but the
    > hole in the network still exists and the next guy to exploit it may be
    > looking for much more from all of us.  If I read correctly, we will
    > always have vandals.  What we need to do is punish them in a way
    > appropriate, identify what the "real" problems are, and then try to
    > bring the "good guy" community together to plug the holes.
    >     What's the best way to do that?
    Well, considering the nature of the DDOS type of attack, it
    seems that at least one lesson to be learned is that the
    ISPs and transit providers need to cooperate to block such
    spoofed traffic, and/or to track down the perpetrators.  If
    communications channels were established in advance, it would
    seem to help respond to such things as efficiently as possible.
    Cisco also has some very helpful documents which discuss how 
    best to block and/or track such traffic.  A number of links to 
    these documents are on Paul Ferguson's fine denial-of-service 
    resource page located at:

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