Re: Recent Attacks

From: Philip J. Koenig (pjklistat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 01:16:54 PST

  • Next message: Joerg Walter: "Re: Re: many attempts to Port 137 (NetBIOS-NameService)"

    On 16 Feb 00, at 12:56, Bennett Todd boldly uttered: 
    > Allowing forged source addrs in and out of your nets is bad hygiene.
    I agree in many ways, but there are *some* cases where it can
    be legit and useful: ie some kinds of network troubleshooting,
    or for that matter, testing for things like smurf vulnerability :-)
    > And if DDoS attacks couldn't used forged source addrs, they couldn't
    > use smurf to amplify their effects, and they couldn't be reused at
    > all; the moment a victim starts capturing packets, they'd have the
    > source addrs of all the machines in the attackers DDoS net --- and
    > building those nets remains the relatively hard prep work for
    > mounting one of these attacks. If we had universal ingress
    > filtering, the moment someone started launching one of these the
    > victim could start contacting the compromised sites, and if they
    > refused to address their problem they could request that the streams
    > by blocked by the compromised sites' providers.
    Seems to me that the packet-authentication aspect of IPv6
    would go a long way toward making sure you can track the
    source of packets too.  
    IPv6 would solve a variety of things, including to help 
    track down spammers.  I'm thinking maybe we should start 
    pushing for faster adoption of it.  I wonder how many 
    organizations used the Y2K upgrade opportunity to install 
    IPv6-compatible hardware on their networks.

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