Re: many attempts to Port 137 (NetBIOS-NameService)

From: K. Graham (kgrahamat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 13:45:16 PST

  • Next message: andrew.c.howardat_private: "Recent Attacks"

    It sounds like the new VBS Trojan that is being distributed.  NAI has
    it in their database as of Feb 3/2000.  You can find the information at  This trojan uses NetBios to look
    open shares on the C: drive.  If it finds the open shares then it
    an install program.   NAI does not go into what it installs but most
    Trojan channels on any IRC network may be able to elaborate on what it
    actually does.   Check or for informatition.   Seeing it is a new
    trojan it may be a few days before their websites have information to
    It is becoming more and more frequent to look for open shares on high
    speed Internet connections.  Unfortunately not all people are aware that
    small programs can be installed that allow remote control of individual
    PC's from a central or several central locations.
    Kim Graham
    Network Analyst, CCNA
    IRCop DALnet, WebChat
    On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Bill Pennington wrote:
    > Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 17:29:16 -0800
    > From: Bill Pennington <billpat_private>
    > To: Joerg Walter <joerg.walterat_private>
    > Cc: firewall-wizardsat_private
    > Subject: Re: many attempts to Port 137 (NetBIOS-NameService)
    > My guess would be that this are harmless packets getting set to you by
    > IIS servers and other NT based web reporting tools. Normally them come
    > in groups of 3. IIS and other tools attempt to collect additional info
    > from you when you access an IIS site. They do this via Netbios.
    > However I am seeing hundreds on UDP/137 attempts from a single IP
    > address in a very short period of time. I can't figure out why someone
    > would want to do that since I am silently dropping them at the
    > Must be some new toy the script kiddies have these days.

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