Recent Attacks

From: andrew.c.howardat_private
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 14:43:40 PST

  • Next message: Chuck O'Donnell: "Re: many attempts to Port 137 (NetBIOS-NameService)"

    If you were doing a risk assessment on your system and deciding whether to put in a firewall, you would look at how much business/customers/money would be lost if you had no firewall and somebody came in and took down your system.  If the loss is greater than the cost of the firewall, then the firewall would go in.  If the business/customers/money is lost before even getting to your system, I think that loss is something that should be considered.  And, now that it has happened, it should be controlled/mitigated, if your risk assessment so dictates.
    Further, I think it is legitimate to try and recover such losses.  With the amounts being tossed about here, no need to be "exact".  Let's recover only 1 billion instead of 1.2.... close is pretty good in this case.
    -------- Andy Howard ------
    > It's not (IMO) fair to try to charge for potential lost customers.
    > There's no way to tell exactly how much business would have been done,
    > whether the customers came back later to buy the same item, etc..

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