Re: Recent Attacks

From: Marcus J. Ranum (mjrat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 13:56:43 PST

  • Next message: Steven M. Bellovin: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    Darren Reed writes:
    >So are you suggesting that perhaps it is time software such as ISS, etc,
    >to not only be made available with strict controls over which targets
    >they can be used against (article about this went to bugtraq some time
    >ago) but also be required for those buying the product/license keys
    >in order to undertake such work ?  I think this is almost a inevitable.
    So do I. Indeed, I think that it may boil down to some kind of
    professional certification being necessary. There are analogs
    to this - locksmithing certification, federal firearms license, etc.
    That's part of what I meant about how that grey area is going to
    get real thin, soon.

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