RE: FW1 and Esafe Protect Gateway

From: Robin Bermanseder (RBermansederat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 17:03:16 PST

  • Next message: Amergin: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    [Robin Bermanseder]  This requires fairly sophisticated content
    scanning. How do you define 'execurtable'? Do you include DLLs?
    Executable on which platform?
    The technique I have used is to scan the attachments for 'signatures'
    associated with the target executable code.
    Example: For DOS executables, CD 21 identifies a call to the DOS
    services interrupt, but blocking all files containing these bytes would
    filter out a fair number of legitimate binaries as well. Have to scan
    forward or backward several bytes for code that would normally occur is
    association with the interrupt, usually aloading of the AX register.
    All executables, for all operating systems, have such telltale
    signatures. You need to identify what your target executables are, get
    the telltale signatures (speak to an assembler programmer for the target
    platform) and institute the scanning mechanism.
    I have often thought that adding the signatures to a virus scanner migh
    help (ie identify executables as viruses), but on second thought this
    would not work well - the signatures are often loosly defined (CD 21
    with a XX YY within 10 bytes, for example) while virus checkers use
    static signatures only.
    My implementation needed customised packet filter code written in
    assembler, using expert system techniques to apply the filter rules. 
    >Short answer: It can be done, but not easily. 
    >i have an installation with fw1 and esafe protect gateway.
    >Question: is there any way to detect renamed exe in a mail attachment ?
    >Attachment with the ext: Exe are blocked. But when i rename a exe file in
    >txt, the attachment is not beeing blocked.

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