Re: Recent Attacks

From: Ryan Russell (ryanat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 08:03:35 PST

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    > None of this would happened if every ISP blocked outbound spoofed
    > packets,
    > if every MTA is configured properly to avoid spamming and relaying, if
    > egress filtering is in place, etc.
    Most of us have been concerned with the spoofing aspect.  If we get that
    fixed, how much damage can future attackers do without spoofing?
    In the recent cases, the attackers were apparantly only interested in
    wiping out each site for a few hours.  If I lined up 1000 relay machines,
    and had them sufficiently spread around, would I be able to do the same?
    How long would it take to contact the admins for all those nets and/or get
    various ISPs to block them?  My personal experience when doing that sort
    of thing on a very small scale is that it takes a long time to convince
    people that they should do something.
    Of course the spoofing problem should be fixed.  In my example, the 1000
    machines are likely to get some proper configuration when they are tracked
    down (which will be loads easier.)  It should also shorten the time it
    takes to track the attacker.  
    I don't think it eliminates the attack, tho.

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