Re: Recent Attacks

From: Jor (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 04:03:12 PST

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    > Darren Reed writes:
    > >So are you suggesting that perhaps it is time software such as ISS, etc,
    > >to not only be made available with strict controls over which targets
    > >they can be used against (article about this went to bugtraq some time
    > >ago) but also be required for those buying the product/license keys
    > >in order to undertake such work ?  I think this is almost a inevitable.
    > So do I. Indeed, I think that it may boil down to some kind of
    > professional certification being necessary. There are analogs
    > to this - locksmithing certification, federal firearms license, etc.
    > That's part of what I meant about how that grey area is going to
    > get real thin, soon.
    I believe you oversee that this (certificates) would not help in any
    Of course there are no pyromanic firefighters, and there are no
    criminal locksmiths, and no killers with licensed firearms.
    Do you really believe for just one seconds that a strictly enforced
    certificattion model would even keep a single bad guy away ?
    you better get in touch with real life for a change ;-)
    Licenses do not make it better, they just make it more complicated
    and increase the bureoucratic overhead. Some people would
    classify this as worse.
    just my ¢2
    Juergen P. Meier                        email: jpmat_private
    Class GmbH Firmengruppe                 phone: +49 172 8379103

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