Re: client puzzle protocol

From: Ge' Weijers (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 19:57:44 PST

  • Next message: Troy Henley: "Linux Proxy Server ?"

    On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 03:10:18PM -0500, Paul Cardon wrote:
    > There are strategies for managing this buffer that make it more
    > resistant to attack.  Simply increasing the buffer size and decreasing
    > the timeout value are not sufficient.  I don't have the exact page
    > number, but see the section of Unix Network Programming Volume 1 (Second
    > Edition) that describes the backlog parameter of listen().  There are
    > references to two strategies for making the stack more resistant to SYN
    > Floods.  On the face of it I don't see how RSA's strategy improves
    > anything but I also have yet to read the entire thing.
    A strategy design by Dan Bernstein called SYN cookies
    ( prevents the
    buffer from overflowing on a machine under attack. The basic idea is
    to encode some connection parameters in the initial sequence number
    that is sent back in the SYN-ACK TCP packet and then forget about the
    connection altogether. If a reply to this packet ever comes back you
    complete the connection attempt.
    This mechanism is available on Linux and some BSD variants.
    The client-puzzle protocol does not seem such a great idea to me. A
    _distributed_ DOS attack will have lots of CPU power to do the
    Ge' Weijers                                Voice: (614)326 4600
    Progressive Systems, Inc.                    FAX: (614)326 4601
    2000 West Henderson Rd. Suite 400, Columbus OH 43220

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